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Ältere Frau Lachen

Therapy with nature-identical hormones for women

(natural hormones are also known as bioidentical hormones)


Treatment also online(via Skype or telephone) possible after a one-time visit to the practice as part of the change in the Distance Treatment Act. 


The following symptoms can occur with a lack of sex hormones or DHEA and thyroid dysfunction:


Listlessness, lack of energy, tendency to brood, nervousness, panic attacks, fears (especially in the morning), depression, stress intolerance, difficulty falling asleep and sleeping through the night, hot flashes, sweating, possibly alternating with chills, loss of memory, heartburn, headaches, progressive weight gain, dryness of the Skin and mucous membranes such as the vagina, eyes, nose or mouth, hair loss, brittle nails and hair, increased callus formation on the feet, shortness of breath during exertion, palpitations or tachycardia, mood swings, irritability, incontinence, osteoporosis, glaucoma (glaucoma), joint problems, High blood pressure, fatty liver, carpal tunnel syndrome, Dupuytren's contracture, joint problems, joint cracking, sphincter weakness, Parkinson's disease, high cholesterol. Muscle weakness, muscle cramps, diarrhea, constipation, edema (swelling and water retention), reduced sexual desire, menstrual cycle disorders, unfulfilled desire to have children

The aging process


Protozoa such as the paramecium show full commitment to the end and then die from one second to the next. Not so man - he dies in installments like the related mammals.


From the age of 35 to 40, the cell power plants, the mitochondria, decrease in their performance. This leads to a gradual loss of performance of the organs, including the hormone-producing glands. This aging effect is partly genetically determined. However, there are also increasing errors in the division of cells and the mitochondria embedded in them. We can superficially recognize this effect in the declining eyesight, increasing wrinkling and the development of gray hair. The loss of quality can also be measured in other organs. In women, after these still slight changes, menopause abruptly enters a new phase of life. The timing of menopause is also largely determined genetically. Menopause is defined as the time of the definitive last menstrual period. On average, menopause occurs in the 50th year of life. One also speaks of the period of perimenopause and means the period of about 4 years, which is replaced by postmenopause 1 year after menopause. We recognize that all theory is grey, and the tendency of scientists to define time periods and points in time is of limited value. In fact, things are not always so clear. If there is one or 2 smaller spotting bleedings after the menopause – when is the time of the menopause? It is clear that menopause does not come out of the blue with fully functioning ovaries. Irregularities and changing complaints usually occur. At the latest after the menopause, the condition can be influenced well with nature-identical hormones. We are also talking about anti-aging here, because this is inevitably linked to the therapy. It follows that older patients, even those over 70, can be treated for the first time. The older patients usually believe that it is no longer necessary because they have survived the menopausal symptoms. Really? Or are you still having trouble sleeping? A lot can often be improved in this age group with nature-identical hormones. However, it is necessary to proceed more cautiously with the choice of hormones and the dose. If insomnia can be improved by a small dose of nature-identical hormones, I would like to say at this point that it is malpractice to only prescribe addictive sleeping pills to these patients. Elderly patients have to urinate frequently at night and often suffer from balance disorders anyway. Sleeping pills increase drowsiness   and "dizziness," a condition that often causes falls with femoral neck fractures and other broken bones or lacerations. Osteoporosis, which increases the risk of fractures, can also be favorably influenced by progesterone. So there are good reasons for this natural hormone therapy.



Diagnostics as the basis of therapy


We are entering the field of endocrinology here.Hormone analyzes can show the performance losses in glands such as the thyroid, adrenal glands and ovaries. I have therefore, based on hormone experts like Dr. Rimkus, Kiel, and Dr. Platt, Palmsprings/USA, created a hormone laboratory profile, which shows the deficits. Women and men have different levels of difficulty. In women who still have their period, the hormone determination should be carried out on the 21st day of the cycle, otherwise the value for progesterone is not meaningful. In postmenopausal women, the determination can be made on any day.



Why nature-identical hormones?


With regard to hormone therapy, there are numerous negative prejudices, caused by experience with therapy with artificial hormones and the attitude that the decrease in the performance of the hormone glands is part of normal aging and that one ultimately has to accept that.

It is important in this context that the therapy only takes place in the form of natural hormones. Artificial hormones do not belong in the female organism! This is often not clear to the patient. The natural hormones we prescribe have nothing in common with the chemical hormones made by pharmaceutical companies.


After treating a few women with breast cancer in my practice, I wondered why this cancer is so common. I suspected the pill. A gynecologist on a training course contradicted me here and I didn't know how to confirm my suspicion. When I argued that breast cancer was almost unknown in developing countries, the gynecologist replied that the vitamin D supply was better there due to the sun and that the immune system was strengthened as a result. There was no denying it, but my suspicions remained. Then, during a training session with Dr. Flat by the statistics that the risk of breast cancer before the "pill era" in Germany was 1:100 and now 1:7!


One in 7 women will get breast cancer! This is definitely too much! Instead of doing further research into the causes, I have the impression that the child is being deliberately dropped into the well, because a gigantic business will result from it. Who would like to saw off the branch they are sitting on? Two gynecologists in training in the row behind me nevertheless defended the "pill" and said they should continue to prescribe it to young girls. Patients trust their doctors! I have nothing against gynecologists continuing to prescribe the pill, but I do demand that patients are at least informed about the risk. Very few gynecologists seem to be aware that the birth control pill is also a vitamin robber. Anyway, I haven't heard that they explain about it.


Artificial estrogens and progestins are not free of side effects. The progestin is intended to be a progesterone replacement. The  gestagen differs significantly from natural progesterone! The artificial hormones are obtained from mare urine. The mare's urine hormone does not suit the woman's organism.


However, this hormone is not yet patentable in this form and is therefore not profitable. So it still needs to be changed. Therefore, a chemical structure is woven onto the molecule and then it is finally perfect - at least for the shareholders of the producing pharmaceutical company, but not for the patient, because this artificial hormone is difficult for the liver to break down and has many side effects!







The production of nature-identical hormones


I work exclusively with nature-identical hormones that are not patentable and are therefore only produced by a few pharmacies in Germany. The raw product for the progesterone is the yam
root. Fortunately, its structural formula almost corresponds to that of natural progesterone. A small change has to be made to the molecule and we get nature-identical progesterone. As in the body, natural-identical estradiol and testosterone can also be formed from the starting hormone progesterone in the laboratory. In men the body produces more testosterone than estradiol and in women vice versa. We also use nature-identical DHEA. Everything is dosed according to the laboratory results and the individual condition of the patient. The change in well-being is more decisive for the possibly necessary dose adjustment than the laboratory result.



Hormone therapy in women who have had a hysterectomy or total surgery


Women who have had their womb and ovaries removed (total surgery) definitely need hormones to prevent premature aging unless a previous cancer condition prohibits estradiol therapy. But even if only the uterus has been removed, hormone therapy is recommended at least from a certain age depending on laboratory values, since such an intervention deteriorates the blood supply to the ovaries and hormone production therefore suffers even more than in women without an intervention. Of course, the latter also benefit from nature-identical hormone therapy.




Consultation with the attending gynecologist


When I recommend nature-identical hormone therapy to women, they often tell me they want to discuss my suggestion with their gynecologist. I can understand the desire, since the gynecologist is also a trusted doctor, but I often have to make it clear that gynecologists have a great deal of specialist knowledge, but not necessarily in relation to nature-identical hormones. I therefore only recognize gynecologists as hormone consultants if they have dealt with nature-identical hormones, which is rarely the case. The gynecologists with whom I spoke during the hormone training course considered this point of view to be appropriate and correct.


Women are welcome to talk to their gynecologists about the nature-identical hormones. If the gynecologist agrees to the new treatment, there is no problem. If he doesn't, the patient has to make a choice. I can't make that decision for her. My advice is to try natural hormone therapy. In the discussion with the gynecologist, it is certainly helpful if the patient read the book by Dr. Platt, The Hormone Revolution. The book is written in an easy to understand way.  Once success is achieved, it will be difficult to discontinue therapy, although this can be done at any time. The reactions of the gynecologists are very different. Some accept the nature-identical hormones, some strictly reject them and few offer the therapy themselves. This already shows that there is no standardized training for gynecologists on this subject.  


I would like to know how my patients are doing at home with the new therapy and therefore it is necessary from time to time to discuss the therapy and to decide together with the patient whether a dose adjustment is necessary. These consultations and the laboratory controls should take place at least twice a year.


Now to the procedure:


As with the endocrinologist, the basis of therapy is hormone analysis and hormone history. The hormone values are determined by taking a blood sample or saliva test. In the case of remote treatment, the test set for determining salivary hormones will be sent to you. You can simply put the samples in the mailbox with the enclosed mailing bag.


During the anamnesis, specific questions are asked about hormone-related symptoms. The evaluation of the questionnaire provides additional information about the severity of the hormone deficiency. Another consultation with the doctor takes place in order to determine the therapy based on the results of the hormone history and analysis. The regulation follows. There are only a few pharmacies that produce the preparations. The preparation will be sent 3-5 working days after the prescription and it can be used. The hormones are contained in a cream or in capsules. The active ingredients in creams go through the skin and usually build up just as good hormone levels as when taking the capsules. If the individually suitable dosage is finally found through follow-up care, it can usually be maintained in the long term and only requires fewer checks (twice a year).


What can the hormones do?



Progesterone is the most important hormone during menopause and old age. It promotes the lowering of insulin levels, so it can prevent diabetes mellitus or improve blood sugar levels in diabetics. Progesterone counteracts forgetfulness and is considered a protective factor against Alzheimer's and depression. Progesterone and vitamin D3 work against osteoporosis and even improve it. Progesterone is also seen as a protective factor after breast cancer and can be given here, provided there was no breast cancer that turned out to be progesterone receptor positive. The administration of estradiol should be avoided here.


estradiol and estriol

They are among the estrogens. Opinions differ on the prescription of natural estrogens. dr Platt tries to forgo the administration and gives these hormones if the withdrawal after stopping artificial estrogens is too severe. In any case, I can confirm that. I too have had patients who suffered from severe hot flashes and insomnia after stopping the artificial estrogens. Here the women do not take part in the new therapy if estradiol and possibly estriol are not prescribed without transition.


dr Platt also occurs in women when progesterone and DHEA alone are not effective enough against sleep disorders, sweating and hot flashes. He says that slim women benefit more from the dose than overweight people, since slim people produce less estrogen in the adipose tissue. dr Rimkus basically gives estradiol after menopause. I'm leaning more towards the Dr. Rimkus. If we assume that all hormones are signs of youth, there is nothing to prevent us from also "filling up" on estradiol and possibly estriol, although the dosage here is significantly lower than for progesterone. However, I usually start with progesterone to see if it's enough on its own and to find the optimal dose. Estradiol can be added later. It is very problematic if both hormones are prescribed right from the start and problems then arise. Then 2 adjusting screws come into question for regulation, but which one do you choose?  


Only in the case of breast cancer do we dispense with estradiol, since in this case there can be a risk of hormone-dependent breast cancer from estradiol. However, the administration of estriol is then still possible. As the patients get older, I also follow the recommendation of Dr. Rimkus, who then prescribed no or very little estradiol.



In women, 3/10 of DHEA is produced in the ovaries and 7/10 in the adrenal glands. Depending on requirements, testosterone or estrogen is also formed from DHEA, in men and women in different proportions. DHEA is also referred to as the actual anti-aging hormone because there seems to be a connection between longevity and high DHEA levels. DHEA improves the immune system and counteracts the development of cancer and arthritis. It reduces the oxidation of bad LDL cholesterol and therefore protects the coronary arteries. The oxidized LDL cholesterol is a major factor in the development of arteriosclerosis and unfortunately still receives little attention in modern cardiology. I like to get to the bottom of the causes and we can also determine such special laboratory values. Like progesterone, DHEA has an insulin-lowering effect, reduces food cravings and also counteracts diabetes mellitus. With DHEA, however, the patient should be patient, as the effect often only develops after 3 to 4 months.



It is not uncommon for patients to suffer from an underactive thyroid gland. Hyperfunction is much less common. Symptoms of hypofunction can also occur with thyroid hormone levels in the lower normal range. This manifests itself in listlessness, tiredness, hair loss, brittle nails, weight gain or difficult weight loss when dieting. Therefore, an additional laboratory test of the thyroid hormones can make sense. Patients who are already receiving a thyroid hormone such as L-thyroxine can still show symptoms of hypofunction and not only if the hormone dose is too low. There is another phenomenon: conversion disorder. In this case, the L-thyroxine (T4) is not sufficiently converted (converted) into the metabolically active form T3. The result is hypofunction with normal to high T4 levels. Patients who struggled to lose weight on a diet were able to lose several pounds at once after the problem was discovered and treated. It is unfortunate that the hormone levels in the low normal range and the conversion disorder in thyroid diagnostics often receive too little attention.



personal note

The statements on the hormones may appear somewhat confusing at times. There are none based on scientific studies
exact recommendations, but only the recommendations that are based on the experience of hormone experts like Dr. lee, dr Platt and Dr. Rimkus arise. The procedure is nevertheless simple. After hormone administration, the laboratory values must be checked from time to time and the patients asked how they are feeling. Then you will find the ideal dose for every woman.


I myself have had positive experiences with soft tissue rheumatism in my patients. If rheumatism started during or after menopause, I had the idea that it could be related to the weakness of the hormone systems. I then prescribed the hormones and in fact the cortisone doses for soft tissue rheumatism could be lowered further than usual. Although these are isolated cases and no proving study is available yet, I consider this additional therapeutic approach to be recommended, especially since no dangerous side effects can occur. Today, rheumatism can often be influenced well with biological therapies, eg with high doses of frankincense and curcurmine. Therapy with nature-identical hormones also seems to me to be effective, helpful and recommendable for otherwise healthy women.


Special case: Special therapy for incontinence


In the case of urinary incontinence, we have a special hormone application that is only necessary temporarily or at intervals and strengthens the pelvic floor muscles.



cost of therapy


Initial costs:

The cost of the initial consultation (up to 30 minutes) is €120. After the laboratory set has been sent and the salivary hormones have been determined (the result will be sent to you), there will be a shorter discussion (€20) with an explanation of the hormone values and the planned therapy, which will then lead to the prescription, if indicated. The initial hormone determination costs €110.60 (to be invoiced directly by the laboratory).


For long-term therapy, a consultation (€60) is necessary every 6 months. Saliva hormone checks are also necessary twice a year: progesterone and estradiol (€47).  This corresponds to €214 for annual care without pharmacy costs. When using estradiol, I recommend the Estronex laboratory test for €64.34 just to be on the safe side. The test can be used to identify potentially harmful breakdown products of estradiol. The test is not necessary when using the other hormones. There are many women who can get by with progesterone use alone.

Further laboratory determinations and discussions are possible on request.


Billing is via the valid GOÄ. For the calculation, advice numbers and analog numbers with an increase factor > 3.5 can be used. It is likely that the fees will not be fully reimbursed by private health insurance companies, Post-B or KVB. We would be happy to send you a more detailed breakdown of the fee items charged. Reimbursement by statutory health insurance companies is excluded. Laboratory data sent by other doctors will be accepted.


The care in the context of therapy with nature-identical hormones does not replace regular gynecological check-ups. 


The cost of therapy with nature-identical hormones is around €0.54 – €1.10 per day, depending on the daily dose.


The effort is worth it because the effort can be rewarded with a significant increase in life energy and quality .

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