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The electrocardiogram (ECG) is the registration of the sum of the electrical activities of all heart muscle fibers. The electrical voltage field is thus measured. Arrhythmias from the atrium or the ventricles or atrial fibrillation can be detected. The registered form of heartbeats can also indicate illnesses such as bundle branch block, high blood pressure, heart attack, myocarditis. 


Stress ECG

The stress ECG is an ECG that is continuously recorded under stress (treadmill, climbing stairs or bicycle ergometer). We use the bicycle ergometer. Here,  a constriction of the coronary arteries (coronary heart disease - CHD), stress-dependent arrhythmias, stress high blood pressure or heart problems (angina pectoris) can be noticeable. Recovery time after exercise is also important.


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Heart Rate Variability - HRV 

Heart rate variability is measured in our practice using the Nilas system. It is also an ECG with only 2 electrodes on the wrists, but hardly any statement is made about the heart, but rather about the vegetative system, the energy reserves and degrees of exhaustion up to burnout. Due to extensive studies with an immense data collection, statements can even be made about the EEG, the aura and the chakras.


Reliable exclusion of coronary artery disease (CHD) using the

Acarix CADScor® Systems


JEvery year around 1 million heart catheter examinations are carried out in Germany, most of which do not result in any pathological findings. Most patients want a simple, uncomplicated method to clarify the suspected diagnosis. The Acarix CADScor®System is an ultra-sensitive analysis system that is easy to use and can clarify the suspicion of CHD. Studies have demonstrated its safety in patients with chest pain. This can have various causes, such as coronary heart disease, irritation in the chest or spine and many other causes that are not related to the heart. In my experience, however, the Acarix CADScor® system is also very well suited to ruling out the suspicion of coronary heart disease in patients without chest pain.

With the method, the device is fixed on the chest over the heart and the acoustics of the heartbeat are evaluated. This happens with a thousand times more sensitivity than a doctor can achieve with the help of a stethoscope. Flow noises caused by a narrowing of the coronary arteries are thus detected in the case of CHD. If the acoustics of the bloodstream are flawless, coronary heart disease is highly unlikely. The examination lasts 10 minutes. I use this examination not only for chest pain of unknown cause, but also for the detection of indications that make coronary heart disease probable.

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Boso ABI - measuring system
With the ABI measuring system, Boso closes an important gap in cardiovascular diagnostics.

The ankle brachial index (ABI) is the most important predictor of heart attack, stroke and risk of death. An ABI value < 0.9 indicates peripheral arterial disease (PAD) with a sensitivity of up to 95% compared to arterial imaging in CT and, conversely, excludes the disease with almost 100% specificity in healthy patients.¹ The getABI study² shows that 20% of people over 65 have PAD.

For me, the boso ABI system is a valuable method for assessing the arterial vascular system. Even if narrowing of the arteries can be ruled out, the method provides important additional information about the condition of the arteries. The arterial elasticity is determined. Aged arteries have increased arterial stiffness. Young arteries are elastic. This makes it possible to draw conclusions about biological age, because people are as young as their arteries. The examination is a quick and precise routine check that can be easily performed on any patient. Diagnostics are of particular value when problems can be identified that the patient can still influence. Accordingly, further investigations into the arterial risk profile and measures for beneficial influence can be recommended.

Pulsoximeter oxygen saturation s

Pulse oximetry and vascular elasticity measurement

Pulse oximetry is a simple, painless way to measure blood oxygen levels. Here the finger clip of a pulse oximeter is placed on a finger. Modern laser technology gives you the pulse rate and the oxygen content of the blood. This method is used for lung and cardiovascular diseases.

With a special sensitive pulse oximeter, the elasticity of the vessel wall can be measured, including the severity of arteriosclerosis (arteriosclerosis).

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Spirometry (lung function test)
The spirometer is a measuring device for checking lung function. In a breath test, the device determines the lung volume and the air flow during exhalation and inhalation. Illnesses such as emphysema (bloating), chronic bronchitis or asthma can be better assessed and the success of the therapy can be monitored.

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Color Doppler echocardiography (heart ultrasound)
to determine the diameter of the heart cavities (e.g. enlarged in the case of cardiac insufficiency), the heart muscle layers (e.g. thickened in the case of high blood pressure) , the aorta, to assess the pumping capacity, possible arteriosclerosis, heart valve calcification or a possible pericardial effusion._cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Color Doppler sonographic assessment of the heart valves, especially with regard to valve weakness or narrowing. Atrial septum and ventricular septum defects (holes in the heart septum) can also be diagnosed in this way.

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Color duplex sonographic examination 
The examination serves to clarify the arteries and veins. The blood flow in the arteries supplying the brain, the leg and arm arteries and the leg veins can be displayed in color and measured to assess possible circulatory disorders and to determine the causes of varicose veins or to assess_cc-781905 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_thrombosis

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Abdominal sonography (abdominal ultrasound) 
to assess the following organs:
Kidneys, pancreas, spleen, liver, gallbladder, bile ducts, uterus, prostate, urinary bladder, aorta (main artery), inferior vena cava (inferior vena cava), lymph nodes

thyroid ultrasound

to assess the size and any pathological findings such as cysts, lumps, etc.

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dark field microscopy

In dark field microscopy, a drop of blood is examined on a slide and magnified 1000x. Many findings can be obtained: red blood cell oxygenation, sickle cell anemia, bacteria, parasites, immune system strength, uric acid, inflammation, liver stress, dyslipidemia, red blood cell roll-of-money phenomenon (clumping, see figure), heavy metal and acid stress. The detection of spirochetes such as Borrelia is also of particular interest, since the laboratory tests are unfortunately not that reliable for detecting Borrelia. For most spirochetes there are not even laboratory tests.




The tensor investigation

The question immediately arises as to whether the tensor examination is part of the instrument-based diagnostics. The apparatus is relatively simple: it consists of a handle into which is inserted a wire with a ring at the end for weighting. A cable with a measuring probe is connected to the other end of the handle. The measuring probe is placed on certain parts of the body that are to be examined. Based on the vibration pattern, a statement can be made about the examined area. The method is not scientifically recognized because the result depends very much on the examiner. But read more about it and for self-critical consideration.


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